The mothman is known for its large moth like wings and its enormous strength. There are many stories
about this creature and even a movie, I recommend you watch this if you want to learn more about the mothman. It seems to
appear every now and then in the spaces of a few years which is strange as where would such a thing hide? Have a read of the
story below believed to be true
In one report of the mothman, it swooped down over another moving car, frightening
the passengers. A different report came from nearby Salem. A farmer, Newell Partridge, had been watching television around
10:30 on the 14th, when the picture suddenly blacked out. The television emitted a strange noise, like a generator winding
up. About the same time, his large German Shepherd, Bandit, began howling from the porch. Partridge went outside and saw that
Bandit was howling toward the barn. Partridge shone a flashlight in that direction and saw what looked like two bicycle reflectors
shining brightly. Despite the distance to the barn, about the length of a football field, the eyes shone plainly. Bandit growled
and ran toward the eyes. Partridge said that fear swept over him like a cold chill and he went back into the house that night
he slept with his shotgun. The next day he found Bandits tracks clearly showing the dog had raced around in a circle, as if
chasing his tail. No other tracks were found and Bandit was never seen again.
Certain features remained consistent
the creatures size, build and hypnotic eyes. Also, malfunctioning radios and televisions featured in many of the reports.
Another consistent feature was the fear people were terrified of the Mothman. Also, a sudden increase of dog disappearances
and animal mutilations were reported and Mothman was held responsible for those, as well. Still, the mystique of Mothman is
a strong one and many people believe he existed. Today, UFOs and Men in Black have been added to the Mothman legend. A movie
based on John A. Keel's book The Mothman Prophocies is in the works, proving that Mothman still has a following today.